What San Diego's Record Setting Summer Means for September

September is upon us.  The Labor Day weekend is here when we unofficially say goodbye to summer, although summer doesn’t officially end until 22 days into September.

This summer will go down as one of the hottest summers we’ve had in San Diego County. 

Those latest figures from the National Weather Service out this week shows that July and August were among the hottest single months in San Diego since they started keeping records in the late 1800’s.

And the weather service records show that among the 5 hottest months on record in San Diego, three of the 5 were Septembers.

So there’s no reason we should expect the weather in September not to be what it’s been like in July and August when it comes to above average temperatures for our county.

And that means the month of September is likely to be a mid-summer like month when it comes to going to the beach, turning on the air conditioner and keeping those fans in working order. And of course getting higher than normal SDG&E bills.

It also means that September should be a month during which we all make sure that dry brush is cleared away from our homes.

Because it looks like the risk of wildfires will continue to be high in September, just as it’s been the last couple of months, with the lack of rain this year not helping.

So if the record setting heat this summer has you wondering about global warming, you might also be praying for some California cooling.

(Photo credit C. E. Albert)

San Diego County Sunset  C.E. Albert KOGO News

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